Google Maps has launched Street View in India in collaboration with Tech Mahindra and Genesys International, marking the first time in the world the service will be handled completely by local partners. The service for a 360-degree view of streets, tourist spots, and landmarks could not be launched in India before because of regulatory hurdles.
Which of the following accounts will be credited on giving cash donation?
Which statements regarding the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) are correct?
1. One of its aims is to generate incidental rev...
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct about “Trade Union”?
I.A trade union is an organization composed of members (a membership-b...
Consider the following statements :
1. Falkland Islands are situated in Pacific Ocean.
2. Red Sea separates Sudan from Egypt.
If the diameter of a capillary is doubled, then the rise of water in it will be –
Which term refers to the permanent termination of employment due to economic or operational reasons?
Which of the following are true about Shivaji?
He was a disciple of Ramdas Samarth.
Consider the following statements:
1. The average population density of India is between 600-700 persons per square kilometer.
2. 2002-200...
A battery is used to :