Tamil Nadu has become the top exporter of electronic goods in India, with exports nearly tripling in the 2022-2023 financial year to $5.37 billion. The state accounted for 22.8% of India's electronic exports, up from 11.98% in the previous year.
Which of the following is most suitable root stock of mandarin?
Viral and mycoplasma infections are known to cause reduced vigor and stunting in plants. However, an application of spray overcomes stunting and axillar...
Deficiency of Phosphorus occurs in plants is exhibited as
Bagasse is a by-product of:
National Milk Day is being celebrated on
How is the change in pH of soil cover time due to rainfall?
Which one is cucurbit?
Urea contains:
The set of indicators or properties required to characterize soil quality or soil function is known as ______.
Which one the following is considered when the calculated F is greater than table F value at 5% only, the differences in treatments is?