The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has appreciated ‘Nutri Garden Project’ in Lakshadweep. Shri Modi said that this initiative has shown how enthusiastic the people of Lakshadweep are about learning and adopting new things. The project was launched as a result of the development objective of self-reliant India in which vegetable seeds has been provided to 1000 farmers. Moreover, 7000 chickens of indigenous breeds were distributed to the women of Lakshadweep families with income less than Rs.600 under the Backyard Poultry Scheme.
A and B constitute a random sample of size 2 from normal population with the mean µ and variance α2, find the efficiency of (A+2B)/3
Calculate the F-statistic , given the unrestricted R2 value is 0.60. Number of restricted parameters are 7 and total number of observations a...
Consider a closed economy wherein
C = 0.8 Yd , t = 0.25 , I = 900 – 50i , G = 800, L = 0.25 Y – 62.5i , M/P = 500
Where in Yd = Di...
GDPf = Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost; GDPm = Gross Domestic Product at Market Price; NNPf = Net National Product at Factor Cost; C = Consumption...
In a multiple regression model, the Durbin-Watson test statistic is 1.3, while the critical lower and upper values are 1.5 and 1.7 respectively. This im...
When the value of d=2, in case of Durbin-Watson Test, what should be done with the null hypothesis?
Which of the statement is TRUE considering the Central problems of an economy?
In a small open economy with a floating exchange rate, the supply of real money balances is fixed and a rise in government spending ______
In case of Cob web Model, Perpetual Oscillation is witnessed when
GDPf = Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost; GDPm = Gross Domestic Product at Market Price; NNPf = Net National Product at Factor Cost; C = Consumptio...