British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a new “partnership” with India, at the G-20 summit in Bali. Under the U.K.-India Young Professionals Scheme, the U.K. will offer, annually, 3,000 degree-holding Indians in the 18–30-year age group places to work in the U.K. for up to two years. The scheme will commence in early 2023. About U.K Capital: London Prime minister: Rishi Sunak
Find the missing number.
Find the missing number.
...Select the missing number from the given alternatives:
M/14 : O/12 : : U/6 : ?
Find the missing letter.
E/M ∶ 20/156: : G/O: ?
In each of the following questions select the related letter/word/figure/number from the given alternatives.
JRH : ? : : KOV : 51
Insert the correct missing number from the choices given below:
Find the missing number from the given responses.
Find the missing term: