Anwar Ibrahim has been selected as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia. He was appointed by the King Sultan Abdullah.
In cyclorrhapous dipterans, the fusion of corpora cardiaca corpora allalata and prothoracic glands is known as
The sex linkage was first discovered by …………………… in Drosophila and the first sex linked gene fou...
Which new breed evolved through the grading up local buffalo of coastal andhra pradesh with murrah over generation
The ICAR division of Extension was established in:
Central institute for cotton research (CICR), center for germplasm collection is located at _____
The Gurgaon project in Punjab was initiated by
Which color signifies the tag of foundation seed?
IFS Quick Access' is a system developed by:
Reclammation of acidic soils is done by the use of……………………..
Insecticides that are absorbed by plants and affect insects feeding on treated plants belong to which mode of action category?