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Homer, a word for home run in baseball game is the word coined by the Cambridge Dictionary for the year 2022.
B is 3 years older than A and A is 6 years older than C. If the sum of the age of A and C is 26 years, then find the sum of the ages of all three.
Amit age after 13 years will be 2 times his age 2 years back. What is the present age of Amit?
The combined present ages of Aman and Chinu are twice Bhanu's current age. Chinu's current age is 5/6th of Bhanu's present age, a...
The ratio of the present ages of Ginni and Binni is 7:3 respectively. Ginni is ‘n’ years older than Binni. If after 5 years, the ratio of the ages o...
Currently, Person 'A' is 42 years old. Person 'B' is 6 years younger than 'A'. Three years ago, the age of 'C' was 25% less than what 'B' is right now. ...
The ratio of ages of A and B, 2 years ago was 5:2. The sum of present ages of A, B and C is 64 years. If present age of C is equal to sum of present age...
Present ages of 'A' and 'B' are in the ratio 3:5, respectively. If B's age, 10 years hence from now will be 5 times of A's age, 14 years ago from now, t...
At present, Peter is Seven years younger than Adam. Adam’s age twenty years hence will be equal to thrice that of peter Five years ago. What will ...
4 years ago, the ratio of the ages of A and B was 2:3 and after 4 years it will become 4:5. Find their present ages.
Half a decade ago, the ages of two individuals, Akash and Kavita, were in a specific ratio of 2:3. Fast forward five years from the present, we find tha...