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The Coal Minister Prahlad Joshi inaugurated the Rs 300 crore Angul - Balram 14 km long rail link, which is the first phase of a total 68 km corridor. The project is under Mahanadi Coal Railway Ltd.
A merchant sets the price of an article 60% above its cost price and offers a discount of 25% while selling it. If his profit on ...
Marked price of an article is Rs.260 more than its cost price. If profit earned is equal to the discount given then find the profit earned?
A pen seller sets the selling price of all pens 40% higher than their cost price. He manages to sell 70% of the pens at this marked price, while offerin...
The profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 4,800 is 5/8th the loss incurred on selling the same article for Rs. 3,200. Find the selling price of th...
A bought a laptop for Rs.15000. He spent 15% of the amount that he had paid for buying it for its repair. He then sold the laptop to B and earned a prof...
A sells an article to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a profit of 20%. If C pays ₹432 for it, what was the cost price for A?
The cost price of two watches 'X' and 'Y' is Rs. 18,000 and Rs. 25,000 respectively. The shopkeeper marked up the prices of watch 'X' and 'Y' by 50% and...
A seller marks up the price of an article by 35% and then gives a discount of 20%. What is the profit if the marked price of the article is ₹810?
Anil purchased a plot for Rs. 125,000 and spent Rs. 25,000 on legal fees. If he sold the plot for Rs. 180,000, find the profit percent earned by Anil.
Amit makes 900 articles at a cost of 40 paise/article. He fixed the selling price such that if only 500 articles are sold, he would have made profit of ...