Renowned lyricist, poet, writer, and chairman of the censor board Prasoon Joshi has been appointed as the state's brand ambassador by the government of Uttarakhand. The Uttarakhand government honored Prasoon Joshi with 'Uttarakhand Gaurav Puraskar' in the past. This award was given to him on November 9 on the occasion of State Foundation Day. About Uttarakhand Founded: 9 November 2000 Governor: Gurmit Singh Chief minister: Pushkar Singh Dhami
Choose which of the following figures completes the pattern.
A sheet of paper has been folded as shown by the question figure. You have to figure out from amongst the four answer figures how it will...
How many triangles are there in the diagram below:
Identify the answer figure from which the pieces given in question figure have been cut.
Which answer figure completes the form in the question figure? Question Image: Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure? Question image:
Select the answer figure which is the same as question figure