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Goldsikka Pvt Ltd launched its first Gold ATM with technology support from M/s OpenCube Technologies Pvt Ltd, a Hyderabad-based startup industry on December 3, 2022. The ATM is India’s first and the world’s first real-time Gold ATM. The Goldsikka ATM dispenses Gold coins. People can insert their debit or credit cards into the Goldsikka and purchase gold coins. Goldsikka Limited was incorporated 4 years back. And after tying up with Open cube technologies, they together brought the design and developed the technology.
Consider the following statement about “Agriculture in India”?
I. India's arable land area of 159.7 million hectare...
Name the famous Indian painter who was honoured with the Kaisar-i-Hind Gold Medal by the British Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon?
0.5 is what percentage of 20?
Mukhyamantri Anuprati Yojana is related to -
Limba Ram is associated with which sport?
Electro-composite compounds are usually soluble in ___________.
Match the columns.
Nutrients Examples
a. Protein i. Calcium, Pho...
Which of the following state in located Darlipali Super Thermal Power Station ?
Which Article of the Constitution of India empowers a high court to issue a writ?
In which country did the hotaki dynasty flourish?