In Bengaluru, the 14th iteration of Aero India 2023, the biggest aero exhibition in Asia, was opened by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The five-day event is centered on showcasing homegrown tools and technologies and forming alliances with foreign businesses. "The Runway to a Billion Opportunities" is the theme of Aero India 2023. The ‘CEOs Round Table’, under the chairmanship of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, will be held on February 13 on the theme ‘Sky is not the limit: opportunities beyond boundaries’. The event will promote the export of indigenous air platforms like Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Tejas, HTT-40, Dornier Light Utility Helicopter (LUH), Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) and Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH)," the PMO said in a statement. The event will also help in integrating domestic MSMEs and start-ups in the global supply chain and attract foreign investments including partnerships for co-development and co-production. About Karnataka Formation: 1 November 1956 Capital: Bengaluru Chief minister: Basavaraj Bommai Governor: Thawar Chand Gehlot
In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in THREE different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentences in whic...
Select the word which means the same as the group of words given
A person who does not believe in God
Directions: These questions have a base word that is used in the statements given below. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is appropriat...
I. Many countries have done away with the capital punishment because it has been experienced that it is not helping the cause at all...
In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. One word printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the conte...
Directions: In each question below, word is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIA...
In each of the following questions, a word has been given and used in three statements. You are supposed to identify which of the statement/s use/s the...
I. The individual may be classified as incomplete, immature, or by other pejorative terms which detract from his dignity.
Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
I. Yet it is unclear whether the restrictions Google has sanction on Huawei will be long-lasting.
II. But the company was caug...