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• According to international credit ratings agency Fitch Ratings, the interim Budget does not significantly change the sovereign credit profile of India even as the government has aimed at slightly faster pace of deficit reduction. • India’s fiscal deficit and government debt ratio are high relative to peer medians, but the government’s emphasis on deficit reduction helps to stabilise the debt ratio over the medium term. • Fitch Ratings’ forecasts fiscal deficit to reach 5.4 per cent of GDP in FY25, above the budget target, due to more conservative revenue forecasts in the next year. “But the government has shown a recent record of achieving fiscal targets, which gives credibility for it to reach the 5.1 per cent target. • Fitch Ratings expects the continued emphasis on capex investment to remain supportive of the growth outlook in FY25. • It sees India clocking a real GDP growth of 6.5 percent in FY25.
Input for Qs. 6 - 10: 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11
How ma...
. If an input is ‘In spite of the increase green house gas’, what is the step III of that input?
Which number would be at the fourth position from the left end in the last step of the output?
Input for Qs. 6 - 10: 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11
In ste...
The entry codes for which of the following batches of Tuesday will not change on Thursday?
Which of the following would be at the 6th position from the right in Step III?
How many elements are between ‘identical and ‘29’ in step III?
Which of the following steps will be the last but one of the above input?
If the entry code of Batch C on Tuesday (2nd May, 2017) was “the user can also over ride bionic hand control", then what was the entr...
Input for Qs. 6 - 10: 28 33 92 35 73 46 84 11
Which ...