Number of states share boundaries to Saharanpur – 3 (Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand)
29.88% of 3599.90 + 5/12 of 2399.81 – 34.81% of 1200.18 = ?
(74.93% of 640.11 + 3/4 of 359.79)² - (1/3 of 80.87 × 2)² = ?
27.27% of 5501.22 + 12.53% of 158.99 –√ 1599 = ?
12.99% of 399.99 ÷ 13.17 = ? ÷ 18.15
49.99% of 539.99 + 263.98% of 49.99 = ?% of 1608.01
50.098% of 7000.072 ÷ 69.6969 + 75.093 of 15.98 = ? × 4.983
999.99 + 99.99 + 99 = ?
26.11% of ? – 521.02 = 648.51
(8.083.03 + 59.59% of 839.83) ÷ 16.06 × 24.04 = ?3 + 1012.12
3.934 - 124.07 + 35.94 + 12.83 of 4.85 - 84.76 ÷ √26 = ?3