Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Council established – 1959
The average of 27 numbers is 25.The average of first 13 numbers is 16 and that of the last 13 numbers is 19. What will be the 27th number?
The average of 35 numbers is 50. If 5 is added to each number, then the new average will be:
The average income of 'Pawan', 'Qureshi,' and 'Ranjan' is Rs. 'y', and their incomes are in the ratio of 5:3:4, respectively. 'Pa...
The average age of 15 girls is 45 years. If the age of one more girl is added the average decreases by half a year. What is the age of new girl?
The average number of books sold by Viren in first 5 months is 3800 and in first 6 months is 4600. If the number of books sold by him in 7th ...
Mr. X invested Rs. 600 in two schemes, A and B in the ratio of 7:3, respectively. Scheme A and B are offering simple interest at rate of 4% per annum an...
Out of three numbers the average of the first and the second number is 37 more than the average of the second and the third number. What is the differen...
The average of all prime numbers between 32 and 69 is.
A number is such that when it is multiplied by 6, it gives another number which is as much above from 210 as the original number (itself) is below 210. ...
In a Company the average income of all the employees is Rs. 22000 per month. Recently the company announced an increment of Rs. 2000 per month for all t...