The BharatGPT initiative, spearheaded by IIT Bombay and other top Indian engineering institutions, recently announced the launch of their ChatGPT-like AI service, named "Hanooman".
If a nine-digit number 785x3678y is divisible by 72, then the value of (x − y) is:
Find the greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 14, 30 and 42.
When a number is divided by 119, the remainder remains 15. When the same number is divided by 17, what will be the remainder?
which of the following pairs of non-zeroes values of p and q make the 6-digit number 674pq0 divisible by both 3 and 11?
How can 420 mobile phones be shared equally in the students present in the classroom?
What is the value of (2² + 3²) × (4³ + 5³) ÷ (6⁴)?
Which of the following numbers will completely divide 412 + 413+ 414 + 415 + 416?
If 'N' is the greatest three-digit number which when divided by 27, 6, 8 and 9 Leaves in each case the same remainder of 5, then the sum of the digits o...
Find the remainder when 23 x 34 x 45 x 56 x 67 x 78 is divided by 11.