The Vice President of India serves for a five-year term, as stated in the Indian Constitution.
Among the following, who first used the term Nanotechnology?
In cattles, Pregnancy symptom when embryo is out
What term describes the ability of a pathogen to establish itself on host tissue and cause disease?
Narrowing bund maintenance (45 × 30 cm), digging burrows during the off season, setting up of owl perches at 40 -50/ha and poison baiting are effective...
The Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBAR-DHAN) scheme aims to augment income of farmers by converting biodegradable waste into compressed ...
What will be the most suitable word to be filled in blank “a” ?
Which of the following is not a Rabi season crop?
National Centre for Organic and Natural farming is located at ____
The first commercial hybrid variety of cotton is ______
Lumpi-Pro VacInd, a vaccine for Lumpy disease of cattle has been developed by ____