Brahmo Samaj, founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, is based on the principle of monism, emphasizing the oneness of God.
As per the Specific Relief Act when can section 8 of the Act be invoked ___
All witnesses are competent to testify some situations as mentioned under s.____.
A proxy ___________ the right to speak at such meeting and shall not be entitled to vote except on a poll
Milk is adulterated with:
In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court of India propounded ‘Rarest of Rare’ rule for awarding death sentence?
Article 16(4) refers to
A is accused of burning down his house in order to obtain money for which it is insured. The facts that A lived in several house successively each of wh...
Which courts are authorized to try offences punishable under the MSMED Act?
The __________________ shall establish one or more Tribunals, to be known as the Debts Recovery Tribunal, to exercise the jurisdiction, powers and auth...
The famous case of Anuradha Bhasin v. Union of India is related to