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A Gram Pradhan in Uttar Pradesh is elected by all the voters included in electoral rolls for the Panchayat's territory and from among the voters of the Panchayat's territory.
By selling an article at a price of Rs 1170 a shopkeeper suffered a loss of 10%, then at what price the shopkeeper must sell the article to get 20% profit?
A fruit seller sells mangoes at a profit of 20%. If he had bought them at 10% less and sold them for ₹3 less per mango, he would have gained 25%. Find...
A sum is lent at 20% pa compound interest. What is the ratio of increase in the amount in the 4th year to that in the 5th year?
A shopkeeper fixes the marked price of an item 35% above its cost price. The percentage of discount allowed to gain 8% is
...A shopkeeper marked an article Rs. 850 above its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of 30% and earned a profit of 20%. Find the cost price o...
The cost price of an article is ₹520. Some part of it is sold at 16% loss and the remaining part at some profit %. In this transaction, there is a pro...
A shopkeeper purchased two items, A and B, at prices of Rs. 15x and Rs. 9(2Y - 15) respectively.He set the marked price of article A at (X + 20)% above ...
An item marked at Rs. 1,500 is sold for Rs. 1,020 after two successive discounts of 15% and Y%. If a gadget with a cost price of Rs. 6,000 is sold at a ...
A and B started a business with investments in the ratio 11:10 respectively. After 10 months, C joined them with an investment 40% more than the investm...
Ratio of the cost price of article ‘A’ to ‘B’ is 5:6, respectively. Article ‘A’ is marked up by 30% above its cost price and then sold at a ...