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Ganga Expressway-Meerut to Prayagraj
The process of Let down of milk in the udder is due to which hormone-
Name the breed which is the heaviest breed of cattle, Strong lyre shaped horns, Swai chal is the peculiar feature of that breed and also knows as Proud ...
Read the statements and then find the correct answer.
i. Striated muscles are voluntary muscles.
Which disease primarily affects the upper respiratory tract with sero mucoid nasal and ocular discharges in chickens?
Which one is the American type breed of poultry?
Fruit cracking problem in pomegranate is due to the deficiency of which elements?
Which buffalo breed is characterized by a jet-black colored body coat and short tightly curled horns, as well as being the best in milk production with ...
Strip Cup test is used for identifying which disease ?
Lumpi-Pro VacInd, a vaccine for Lumpy disease of cattle has been developed by ____
If a cow gets disturbed during the milking due to which Hold Up of milk is happened, it is byt he hormone?