The liver is the largest gland in the human body, playing a crucial role in metabolism and detoxification.
The cost price of an article is 30% less than its selling price. For how much profit was it sold? (Round off up to 2 decimal plac...
A dishonest seller, at the time of selling and purchasing uses weight 22% less and 30% more per kg respectively. Find the approx. percent profit earned ...
A shopkeeper marked an article ‘A’ 25% above the cost price and sold it for Rs. 7056 after giving a certain discount while he sold an articl...
A sold a toy to B at a profit of 15%. Later, B sold it back to A at a profit of 20%, thereby gaining Rs. 575. How much did A pay for the toy originally?
A product costs a company Rs 120 to manufacture and it sold the product to a dealer for Rs 140, who is turn sold it to a shopkeeper for Rs 170, who sold...
If a pen is bought at 11/12th of its selling price and sold at 10% more than its selling price, what will be the percentage profit?
Marked price, selling price and cost price of an article are in the ratio 13:10:8. If difference between marked price and cost price of an article is R...
An article was marked 80% above the cost price and sold after a discount of Rs. 780. If the selling price of the article is Rs. 1380 then find the cost ...
A shopkeeper marks his goods 50% above the CP and gives 20% discount to customer. At the time of selling the goods he uses 900gm weight instead of 1 kg....
A fruit seller sells mangoes at the rate of Rs.9 per kg and thereby loses 20%. At what price per kg, he should have sold them to make a profit ...