The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD) has launched its first tranche of undergraduate (UG) programmes at its Abu Dhabi campus. These two new UG courses will begin in 2024-25 academic year with a starting batch of 30 students each.
Quiescent centre is found in plants at
Which of the following is considered as an essential step in the exchange of gases during respiration and photosynthesis?
Which of the following is used to show locally the worth or value of a recommended partice?
The most critical growth stage for moisture stress in lentil
Medium status of organic carbon content (%) of the soil is
Which wheat rust is known as a killer disease?
Total geographical area (mha) of India
Diamond Back Moth (DBM) is major pest of
Cadang-Cadang disease of coconut is caused by
The most critical stage for irrigation in wheat is: