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Zakir Husain, hailing from Uttar Pradesh, served as the third President of India.
Who is credited with coining the term "Gene"?
In which year was the prestigious Kalidas Samman award instituted?
Which financial institution formed a bancassurance tieup with Edelweiss Life Insurance?
Who founded Sulabh International Social Service Organisation in 1970?
The Government is planning to spend how much crores of Rs under the PMKSY(Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana) ?
Committee on Banking Sector reforms (Narasimham Committee 2) submitted its report in?
The place named Ushidhwaj mentioned in Buddhism has been identified at which place?
Which mineral resource is predominantly found in the Kuzbass Basin of Russia?
According to the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission Scheme, which state ranked first in the Delta Ranking June 2022?
Who is the author of the Sanskrit epic, 'Ramcharitam'?