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M.S. Swaminathan is often referred to as the father of the Green Revolution in India for his role in introducing and spreading high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice.
Honeydew on the leaves and ants crawling around a plant indicate
According to Mass Flow Hypothesis the sugar is moved in the form of ____into the companion cells and then into the living phloem sieve tube cells by...
Sodium absorption rate can be calculated by using of formula:
In which group of insects is the concept of physogastry observed, leading to the gradual swelling of the abdomen?
Walnuts are a rich source of:
The scientific name Tasar Silkworm is:
The important event in the early history of agriculture started in 4400 BC
A. Domestication of sheep
B. Wheat and Barley cultivation
<...What is the amount of Topik 10% WP required for 4000 m² wheat field if the rate of application of Clodinafop-propargyl is 60 g ha¹¹?
Which of the following is not a growth promoter?
Component of protein and chlorophyll, required in amino acid formation