According to the regulations by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), global index providers may not have to register with Sebi unless their indices are used as benchmarks by domestic asset managers with large corpus. Indices that are for exclusive use in a foreign jurisdiction are excluded from registration. Benchmarks regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) are also excluded from these regulations.
A type of weeds in which roots are attached with the soil of the water body and other foliage is over the water surface is called as ____
RRB came into the existence in the year _______.
The process in tobacco is performed after harvesting
Vascular – arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is known for;
Cotton belongs to the family:
Riceyness is physiological disorder related to _______ crop.
Match the following:
Which of the following statements about correlation coefficient and regression coefficients are correct?
(A) The correlation coefficient is unaff...
Match the following extension schemes with starting year.
Scientific name of sunflower is :