The Doomsday Clock was created in 1947, two years after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The concept was developed by scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project and were deeply concerned about the nuclear arms race following World War II. Artist Martyl Langsdorf, a member of the Bulletin, designed the original clock.
What amount has the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved for a policy-based loan to improve India's health system?
Knight Frank has come up with the Wealth Report 2022. As per the report, India is ranked 3rd in terms of most number of billionaires’ population g...
What is the deadline for achieving "Housing for All" as per the extended target under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana?
Recently an LOC agreement was signed between Sri Lanka and which Indian bank to provide $55 million economic support to Sri Lanka ?
What does the 'Sangam: Digital Twin' initiative by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) aim to achieve?
Which state ranked second in FDI inflows in Q1FY25 after Maharashtra?
Which bank has launched a wealth management platform in partnership with Geojit Financial Services for the bank’s high net worth individuals?
GoKwik and which credit card bill payment platform has partnered to extend the latter’s payment options to brands on the GoKwik platform & to enhanc...
Who has been appointed as the new Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)?
Which sectors does the PHDCCI emphasize in its approach for India to become a developed economy by 2047?