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According to sources, investment worth $100 billion over 15 years will be tied with the trade agreement between India and the four-member European Free Trade Association (EFTA). This investment will be linked to the creation of one million jobs in India.
Recently PM Modi opens 75 digital banking units, which of the following public sector bank opens highest number of Digital Banking Units?
Which of the following statements about Asset Management Companies (AMCs) is true?
Identify the correct description of Ways and Means Facility?
Foreign exchange reserves assets cannot comprise of-
Which city did American Express open its largest campus worldwide?
What is the scope for mandatory onboarding in TReDS for buyers as per the Union Budget 2024-25?
The State Bank General Insurance has entered into a strategic partnership with Manipal Business Solutions, the promoter of _____.
Which of the following is an entity that essentially helps banks to transfer the credit risk by buying their bad debts at mutually agreed value?
Consider the following statements with reference to the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC):
I. It is Constituted by RBI under the Reserve Bank of...
Which of the following Rabi crop shows negative growth predicted in for 2021?