Phad painting is a type of Indian folk painting practiced in Rajasthan. It is a religious scroll painting style done on a long piece of cloth or canvas, traditionally using vegetable colors.
Which of the following is not a category under this mission which is described in the above passage?
The primary objective of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme is to guarantee __________ days of employment in every financial ...
Which of the following Statements about Priority Sector Lending is/are True?
I- PSL norms are decided by the RBI after discussion with the Cabine...
As on February 2022, how many countries have participated in the Human Capital Project?
The Annual Financial Statement presented to the Parliament shows Receipts and Payments for which of the following account/s of Union Government?
What is the maximum monthly income limit for a worker to be eligible for PM-SYM?
What is the significance of geo-tagging assets under the e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project (MMP)?
Which initiative did the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) launch to support MSMEs and Startups in Industry 4.0 transformation?
Which entity is primarily responsible for the implementation of the DAY-NRLM scheme?
Consider the following Statements.
(1) Infrastructure associated with energy, transportation and communication are part of Social Infrastructure....