Shah Rukh Khan, an iconic figure in Bollywood, was distinguished with customized gold coins at the Grevin Museum in Paris, becoming the second Indian to receive this honor after Mahatma Gandhi. The coins, celebrating his influential career in film, place him alongside global icons like Charlie Chaplin and Nelson Mandela. This recognition coincides with his receiving the Career Achievement Award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival.
What is the primary objective of integrating the e-Shram and EPFO databases by the Union Labour Ministry?
Which Mughal emperor is associated with the construction of the Peacock Throne?
How many of the Indian States share their border with Rajasthan ?
'Sohar' is traditionally recognized as which type of cultural expression in Bihar?
Match the following:
A) BIS P) Washington DC
B) IMF Q) Rome
Which organization committed $1.6 billion for Phase-I development of Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh's capital city?
The musical instrument 'Santoor' is associated with which of the following musicians?
What instrument is Pandit Anindo Chatterjee renowned for playing?
“ ENJOI” , a kids saving account launched on the occasion of Father’s Day, to encourage the young ones to develop an early habit of sa...
Which is the state flower of Chandigarh?