The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reported that its Digital Payments Index (RBI-DPI) rose to 445.5 at the end of March 2024, marking a 12.6% increase from the previous year. Launched in January 2021 with March 2018 as its base year, the RBI-DPI is a comprehensive measure designed to gauge the extent of digitization of payments across the country. The index reflects a sustained upward trend in digital payment adoption, indicating a growing preference for electronic transactions among Indian consumers.
A cricketer whose bowling average is 24.85, runs per wicket, takes 5 wickets for 52 runs and thereby decreases his average by 0.85. The number of wicket...
The average of four numbers is 90. Two of the numbers are equal (not least), and 40 more than the least number. If the 4th number is five times the leas...
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 40. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 50 students is reduced t...
The average age of 14 girls is 42 years. If the age of two more girl is added the average decreases by one and a half year. What is the sum of the age o...
The meaning of 12 observations is 15. One more observation is included, and the new mean becomes 17. The 13th observation is.
A well with 42 m inside diameter is dug 14 m deep. Soil taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 21 m to form an embankment. F...
Out of 6 numbers, the sum of the first 5 numbers is 7 times the number. If their average is 136, then the 6th number is:
In a family of 10, the men eat on average 65 kg of food and women eat on an average 45 kg of food. The men and women are equal in number. A woman...
The total number of students in class A and B is 72. The number of students in A is 40 more than that in B. The average marks of students in B are 50% m...
In an examination the average marks of Rohit is 63. If he got 20 more marks in science and 28 more marks in maths then his average would have been 69. F...