Rapido, a ride-hailing startup based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, achieved unicorn status after securing USD 120 million in a Series E funding round led by WestBridge Capital in July 2024. This significant investment milestone brought Rapido’s valuation over USD 1 billion, making it one of the few Indian startups to reach unicorn status in 2024. The funding is set to bolster Rapido’s expansion and enhance its services across various Indian cities.
The sum of the ages of A and B is 50 years. If A is 10 years older than B, what are their ages?
If tan(π/4 + θ) = 3, find tan(2θ):
यदि '+' का अर्थ 'x' हो व '-' का अर्थ '÷' हो ए तो 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 -1 का वास्त...
A car starts from point A and travels at a speed of 40 miles per hour. After 1 hour, a second car starts from point A and travels in the same direction ...
What is the total production of Product Y for the entire year, and what percentage does it contribute to the total production of all products in the las...
I. 3x2 – 15x + 18 = 0
II. 2y2 – 40y + 198 = 0
What is the purpose of a "Page Table" in virtual memory systems?
5, 19, 40, ?, 103, 145
A container has 80 liters of a mixture of milk and water, with 60% milk. If 10 liters of water are added, what will be the new percentage of milk in th...