The Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit (PTPFC) was rebranded as the Unified Lending Interface (ULI) to facilitate more streamlined and accessible credit services under the RBI Innovation Hub.
Ram, Shyam, Rohan, Reeta, and Mukesh are five members of a family who are weighed consecutively, and their average weight is calculated after each membe...
The average of 27 numbers is 20.The average of first 13 numbers is 15 and that of the last 13 numbers is 18. What will be the 27th number?
The average salary of all males and females in an office is Rs.16000 and the total number of females in the office is 16. If the average salaries of mal...
The average of the first 10 numbers is 'x+20', the average of the next 14 numbers is 'x', and the average of the remaining 16 numbers is 'x−30'. If th...
The average age of a group of 80 students is 14 years. If 3 students whose ages are 16 years, 22 years, and _____ years are replaced by 3 new students w...
A number is such that when it is multiplied by 4, it gives another number which is as much above from 180 as the original number (itself) is below 180. ...
Average age of company A is 25 years and average age of both companies A and B is 17 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 3:...
Of the four numbers, whose average is 75, the first is one-fourth of the sum of the last three. The first number is
The average of 7 consecutive numbers is 20. The largest of these numbers is
The average salary of a group of 60 employees is Rs. 400. If 6 employees receiving an average salary of Rs. 450 leave the group and 4 new employees rece...