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Sirsa every year maintains the highest production of wheat.
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
...Which one of the following is a super-cooled liquid?
In the following question, four words are given, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.
Inference- Sports and empowerment of women
I. When girls exist on the margins of play, they learn that public spaces belong to men. You see th...
Select the correctly punctuated sentence from the options below.
You must pay the fees _____a week
According to an official spokesperson, polling was held amid tight security arrangements in 29 municipal councils and panchayats (over the State).
Each question consists of four sentences and some sentences are grammatically incorrect or inappropriate. Read each sentence to find out the error in t...
Choose the correct combination of grammatically incorrect sentences
I. The perception of India as a democracy with a diverse and pluralistic s...
Antonym (Most opposite meaning) of the word CELESTIAL is