PayU launched its advanced ‘Push Provisioning’ platform at the Global Fintech Festival (GFF) 2024. This platform allows seamless card token sharing between merchants and banks, enhancing security and convenience in online card transactions.
'P' spends 25% of his monthly income on travel expenses and 50% of the remaining amount on groceries. If he saved Rs. 9000 after ...
Ritesh allocates 80% of his monthly income to expenses and saves Rs. 7000. Rishav, whose monthly income is 20% lower than Ritesh's, spends 75% of his in...
The number of boys and girls in a school is 250 and 300 respectively. 20% of boys left the school while 40 girls took admission in the school. Find the ...
'T' spends 20% of his monthly income on education, 35% on medical expenses, and 15% of the remaining amount on leisure activities. He saves the rest in ...
Neeraj's earnings decreased by 50% and after that subsequently increased by 50%. Find the final loss % on his earnings.
A man spent 30% of his income in May. If his savings is increased by 30% in June and becomes Rs. 9100, then find the income of man in May.
Ajay goes to a grocery store with a certain amount of money. He can buy 80 apples or 40 bananas with the money he has. However, he decides to save 5% of...
A spent 20% of his monthly income on study and 65% of the remaining on rent. If amount spent on rent is Rs. 1047.8, then find the amount spent on study
Ganesh gives 30% of her salary to his wife, 12% of the remaining amount to his children and 10% of the remaining to his parents. If has given a total am...
The respective ratio of monthly income of A to monthly income of B is 10:11, and A’s saving is (100/13)% more than B’s saving. Find the expenditure ...