Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated an ‘MSME Technology Centre’ in Puducherry. It will function under the Union Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). The technology centre was built at a cost of Rs 122 crore with a focus on the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) Sector.
Six friends D, E, F, G, H, and I are sitting in a row facing north. H sits second to the left of G, who sits second to the left of I. More than three fr...
In which of the following pair 2nd person doesn’t sit second to right of 1st person?
Five people are standing in a line facing north R, L, P, J and C, not necessarily in this order. R is standing at one of the extreme ends. Two people ar...
Who among the following doesn’t face same direction as T?
I. V
Seven persons, R, S, T, U, V, W and X, sit along a linear row. All face in the south direction. T sits along the middle of the row. W sits second to the...
In which of the following combination both the persons are facing towards each other?
How many persons sit between the one who sits to the immediate right of O and the one who sits to the immediate right of L?
How many candidates sit in the row?
If ‘F’ is related to “Hindustan Times’ and ‘H’ is related to ‘Punjab Kesari’ in a certain way based on t...
Who among the following are immediate neighbours of H?