The government of Telangana, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) launched India's first Agricultural Data Exchange (ADeX) in Hyderabad. Developed as a digital public infrastructure (DPI) for the agriculture sector, ADeX is an open-source, open-standard, and inter-operable public good. The software platform facilitates a secure, standards-based exchange of data between agricultural data users (agri application developers) and agricultural data providers (government agencies, private companies, NGOs, universities, etc.). The Telangana government also launched the Agriculture Data Management Framework (ADMF) - a framework for facilitating consent-based responsible data sharing. ADMF is applicable to all government departments dealing with agricultural activities, as well as, all agriculture information users and providers. The framework provides a grievance redressal mechanism.
Which AI technique involves designing computer programs that can improve their performance through repeated experience?
If we want to represent the graph as an______ , then it can be implemented as_______.
__________ primarily provides insight into how effective network control and practices are, i.e. its compliance to internal and external network policie...
Which scheduling policy uses priority levels to determine the order of execution?
What does CSMA/CD stand for in the context of LAN technology?
Which type of memory can be both read from and written to by the processor?
What is the definition of an NP-hard problem?
What is the main advantage of Network Attached Storage (NAS) technology?
What is the purpose of a comparator in analog circuits?
Which boolean function returns true if and only if all input variables are true?