Largest four digit number = 9999 So when 9999 is divided by LCM of 8,12, 32 & 60 (i,e.480), remainder is 399. So when 399 is subtracted from 9999, it will be completely divided by 480 & answer will be = 9999 – 399 = 9600.
Arbitral tribunal means:
How many fundamental principles are provided in section 3 of The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015?
Which section of the consumer protection act 2019 establishes “Consumer mediation cell” attached to each commission?
The defendant has to file his written statement within 30 days from _______.
In which stage can the Court allow payment of court-fee if it has not been paid initially?
According to the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 whoever commits the offence of money-laundering shall be punishable with________________
What does FIR stand for?
According to section 470 of the Companies Act, 2013 who has the power to remove any inconsistency under the Companies Act?
If at the adjourned meeting also, a quorum is not present within half-an-hour from the time appointed for holding meeting ____________________
Which chapter of Indian Evidence Act deals with “Witnesses”?