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The Nag Mk-2 is a third-generation fire-and-forget anti-tank guided missile developed by India's DRDO. This technology allows the missile to lock onto and destroy its target without further guidance after launch, which is crucial for high accuracy and reliability in battlefield conditions. The successful trials of Nag Mk-2 emphasize its operational capabilities and readiness for induction into the Indian Army.
A shopkeeper marked an article P% above its cost price and sold it for Rs. 810 after giving a discount of 20%. If the shopkeeper had a loss of 7.4% on t...
A shopkeeper sells an article for 10% profit. If he buys it for 4% less and sells it for profit then he gets Rs. 10 more. What is the original cost price?
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 17%. If he had given a discount of 9% in place of 17%, then he would have earned Rs. 108 more. If the cost...
The sum of the MRP of articles A and B is Rs. 11500. Article B is marked 45% above its cost price and while selling ‘y’ % discount is given on it. T...
A wholesaler mark up his good such that he can gain 8% profit after giving 10% discount to his customers. One particular customer availed a discount of...
A dishonest seller, at the time of selling and purchasing uses weight 10% less and 20% more per kg respectively. Find the approx. percent profit earned...
Cost price of an article is X. The article is marked up by Y% and sold while offering a discount of 25%. The profit earned is (Y + 20). When the same ar...
A trader marks up his goods by 40% and offers a discount of 10%. If the cost price of the goods is ₹300, find his actual profit percentage.
A shopkeeper makes a net profit of 38% on selling an article at successive discount of 25% and 8%, respectively. Find the net profit percentage, if the...
When Anil increases the selling price of a product from Rs. 250 to Rs. 275, his profit increases by 10%. What is the cost price of the product?