The Mettur Dam is constructed across which river?
Located in Tamil Nadu, the Mettur Dam spans the Kaveri River. This large dam plays a crucial role in irrigation and hydroelectric power generation in the region.
‘Parawilt’ of cotton is:
What type of organism kills host tissue in advance of its penetration and then lives saprophytically?
Which of the following is NOT listed as a venture under Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres?
What is the firing order of a six stroke I.C. engine?
Which of the following Kings' was from Thaneshwar city of Haryana the capital?
Fortification is the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Vitamins, oils can be fortified with which of the following vitamin
Mating of wider degree relation not closer one and result in uniformity is known as?
In rice silver shoot is caused due to ____
A soil aggregate is a naturally occurring cluster of soil practices with a ______ binding force among them.
Match list 1 with list II