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Indira Point or Pygmalion Point is a village in the Nicobar district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is located in the Great Nicobar tehsil. It is the location of the southernmost point of India's territory.
Which colour is NOT included in the Olympic flag?
Who is the author of the book “The Emperor of All Maladies” ?
Jagdish Sheth, one of the recipients of Padma Bhushan 2020, has received the award in the domain of:
Which of the following gases in air is responsible for the discoloration of Brass?
Which countries rank among the top five in terms of population worldwide?
What was the distance (around in km) covered by the first-ever train between Bombay and Thane in 1853?
International Day of Education is dedicated to ______country girls and women?
In which of the following Indian states is Palkhi festival observed?