The LIC of India has launched a new life insurance product, a non-linked, non-participating, individual savings life insurance product that combines protection and savings. It was launched on 27th May, 2022.
What is the penalty levied for failure to furnish information to SEBI?
Under which Section of Indian Evidence Act , DNA test of hair samples can be admitted in Evidence?
The parties may agree to resolve their disputes by fast track procedure _____
Which international organization is responsible for the regulation of international trade and settling disputes between member countries?
A enters B’s house through a window. A commits ______________
The obligation under s.126 of the Indian Evidence Act________.
What are the various conditions on the basis of which a retiring auditor may be re-appointed at an annual general meeting as per the Companies Act?
As per S.8 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 which of the following is covered?
According to Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Which of the following best describes a partnership?
A is charged with sending the threatening letters to B. Threatening letters previously sent by A to B may be proved as showing the______ of the letters.