LIC has amended a framework to allow the induction of shareholders' directors on its board. The board of directors will appoint a shareholders' director for a 4 years tenure. The person holding the position would be eligible for an extension of his tenure for four more years. According to the regulation, the LIC corporation would, upon notice of not less than one thousand shareholders or one-tenth of the total number of shareholders (whichever is lower), elect a shareholders' director through a general meeting of such shareholders.
Arrange the following words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary.
1. Gemlike
2. Geminate
3. Gemmier
4. Geminal
5. Gemini
Select the option that represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in an English dictionary.
1- Sandal
2- Sound
1- Binary
2- Bicycle
3- Biscuit
4- Biopsy
5- Bitter
Which of the following sequence represents the correct dictionary order of the following words?
1. Toll
2. Timely
3. Token
4. Timid
5. Timer
Arrange the following in the English alphabetical order:
(i) Exploration
(ii) Exploratory
(iii) Exploitative
(iv) Exploita...
Arrange the given words as in a dictionary and tick the one that come second.
Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary:
1. Manual
2. Manifest
3. Meaning
4. Meeting
5. Menu
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary.
1. Fac...
Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary.
1. In...
According to the reverse dictionary, which of the following word will come at the first position?
1- Garnish
2- Garden
3- Genuine
4- Gear
5- Genes