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Complex and opaque organisational Structures take advantage of regulatory arbitrage and also of gaps in regulations. Regulators found it difficult to look through the structures and enforce regulation Inadequate Oversight by Board: Incomplete risk information due to gaps in MIS coupled with inadequate understanding of risk due to the lack of expertise among the directors, hampered effective and timely decision making. Flawed remuneration policies: Compensation structures which focussed excessively on short term performance incentivised managers to take excessive risks in order to meet the short term objectives at the expense of long term sustainability of the firm. Weak risk management systems and internal controls: With significant developments in technology, risk management in the run up to the crisis became highly quantitative on the lines of an exact science.
The branch of Horticulture that deals with the cultivation of vegetables is called
_____ is known as the Camel crop.
Mallika is the cross between
On the basis of climatic condition, Walnut is an example of which type of fruit crop?
1. What is the tagline of Soil Health card?
Which of the following fatty acid is majorly present in Coccus nucifera?
In rice silver shoot is caused due to ____
Which of the following is not a function of Auxin?
Which one is not a herbicide?
Which of the following crop is a source methane and nitrous oxide emission into the atmosphere?