Here, the correct word that should be used is ‘noticed’. It means ‘to see or become conscious of something or someone’. Peer- to look carefully or with difficulty. An unopened letter need not be looked with much difficulty. Watch- an unopened letter need not be watched. It is staying there. Glance- to give a quick short look. This is also inappropriate.
Instrument used for measuring solar radiation is ____
Photolysis of water is associated with
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...
Central Sector Scheme of financing facility under Agriculture Infrastructure Fund aims at providing a medium/long term debt financing facility till 2025...
Science of manipulating crop environment complex with dual aims of improving agricultural productivity and gaining a degree of understanding of the pro...
Following is the market, Which is classified on the basis of degree of competition
According to Agricultural Statistics 2021-22, the state which is leading producer of rice is
What is the role of "alligator holes" in conservation of wildlife?
Glyoxysomes, a cell organelle where glyoxylate cycle occurs is present in
The available soil moisture lies between the field capacity and ______