SBI launched the Amrit Vrishti scheme offering 7.25% interest on 444-day deposits.
Given below are a few sentences in which four words are emboldened each. The words may or may not be in their correct position. Rearrange the words if ...
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. Soon I reached the churchyard.
B. To my su...
Choose the appropriate option to arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful paragraph.
A-To defend conservative values,
...In the question given below, each passage consist of 6 sentences. The first and the 6th sentences are marked. The middle 4 sentences in each have been...
1. The Greeks believe that Prometheus is the Potter God.
P. One day, he decided to sculpt a statue of Truth.
Q. He makes man from clay.
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. It burst from the inside of the earth and tumbled ...
A. And taking this village lad into their midst was terribly upsetting.
B. She was by no means pleased with this unnecessary addition to her fami...
Given below are a few sentences in which four words are emboldened each. The words may or may not be in their correct position. Rearrange the ...
Given below are six sentences 4 of which are jumbled. The first and the last sentence are given. Pick the option that gives the logically correct order ...
Which is the SECOND sentence of the paragraph?