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India's gross GST collections exceeded ₹1.82 lakh crore in July, marking a 10.3% revenue growth, up from June's three-year low of 7.6%.
The insects which have the capacity to survive through quite prolonged exposure to non – freezing low temperatures are known as _______:
DNA coiled twice around the histone forms
The SPS Agreement encourages governments to establish national SPS measures consistent with international standards, guidelines and recommendations. Th...
In which of the following technique, DNA from different sources are isolated and digested with restriction endonuclease?
When fruit growth is complete and photosynthates are no longer translocated to fruits it is known as
Converting groundnut into oil creates
Disease caused by viruses is
Megasporogenesis occurs in
Which one of the following techniques is used to monitor crop health?
Name the GHG released from volcanic eruptions, animal respiration, human activities etc.