AI advancements are expected to result in a net decline of 14 million jobs globally by 2028, as some jobs are replaced while others are created.
Ankit and Mohit are brothers. Shikha and Shweta are sisters. Ankit’s son is Shweta’s brother. How Mohit is related to Shikha?
There are six persons, C, D, E, F, G and H in a family. H is the paternal grandmother of C. E is the sister of G. D is the father of E. C is the only so...
How is Z related to W?
How is R's daughter related to U's daughter?
P, F’s father, has a grandchild, Vartika is the mother of K who has a son N, but K is not the daughter. K has a brother. Vartika and P are married...
A is the husband of B, C is the mother-in-law of B, D is the father of A, E is the mother of D, F is the mother of C and G. If H is the father of D, the...
There are five members T, U, V, W, and Y in the family. V is married to Y. T’s mother is daughter of U. W and T are male members. Y is brother of W. H...
How is V related to P?
If M is married to P, then how is S related to M?
K is the son of G. H is the father of K. F is the brother of G. E is the father-in-law of H. How is D related to F, if D is the wife of K’s mother’s...