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The Reserve Bank of India has raised the limit for tax payments via UPI from ₹1 lakh to ₹5 lakh per transaction
Whoever counterfeits, or knowingly performs any part of the process of counterfeiting, any currency-note or bank-note, shall be punished with___________...
As per section 81 of IPC motive should be___________________
In case the seized food article is perishable and is unfit for human consumption, the Food Safety Officer should
Mark the incorrect statement towards the Admissibility under the Act_______.
If any person, who is required under this Act or any rules or regulations made thereunder fails to __________________ shall be liable to a penalty which...
Circumstantial evidence is considered weaker evidence as compared to direct evidence
How is the delivery to bailee made?
Law of Limitation is based on the maxim-
What is dacoity?
For a company to accept deposits from public it should be an eligible company. So which companies are referred to as the eligible companies?