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Jayachandra was a ruler of the Gahadavala dynasty, which ruled parts of northern India, including Kannauj. He was the last significant ruler of the dynasty and was defeated by Muhammad of Ghor in 1194 CE.
What is the profit%/loss% incurred by selling an article for Rs. 44,000?
Statement I: The difference between the cost price and the selling p...
Read the following question and decide which of the statements is/are sufficient to answer the question.
Find the value of 'n'.
P, Q and R together invested an amount of Rs. 55,000 in the ratio of 5:2:4 for different period of time. What was the amount of profit earned ...
Ramu gained how much by selling his product in June 2017?
I. He earned 40% more profit in July 2017 as compared to May 2017.
II. In June 2...
What is the length of the train?
Statement I: The train takes 35 seconds to cross a platform that is 725 meters long and...
Two contractors, X and Y, are assigned to finish a construction project that consists of three phases. Each contractor works at a constant rate for each...
How many days will it take for 4 boys and 10 girls to complete the task?
Statement I: A group of 5 boys and 8 girls can finish the task in 12 d...
What is the capacity of a cylindrical tank?
I. The radius of the base is half of its height, which is 14metres.
II. The area of the base i...
A man invested a sum of Rs 25,000. He invested some part at 5 % p.a. and remaining at 5.5% p.a. How much money did he invest at 5 % p.a.?