The Government of India Act of 1919, also known as the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, instituted the Dyarchy system in provincial governments. This system divided administrative powers between elected Indian ministers and appointed British officials.
Section 91 of Evidence Act applies to
When a party refuses to produce a document of which it has notice to produce:
Who are included in the category of persons referred to under section 8(1)9d), based on a reference made by the Lokpal under section 20(1) of the Lokpal...
Under contract law, an "express offer" is best defined as:
Which of the following are the key features of TBT agreement?
Whether a weapon is a deadly weapon is a question of______
Which kind of hurt is not a grievous hurt?
What are the deductions made from the gross profits as prior charges according to Section 34 of the Code on Wages, 2019?
How is the Central Authority expected to operate in the discharge of its functions under the Legal Services Authority Act?
Among, the following under which case the Court held that the giving of finger impressions or specimen writing or of signature by an accused person unde...