The act was enacted on 1 May, 1949.
Who led the British forces to suppress the revolt in Jhansi and recapture Gwalior on June 20, 1858?
In the context of the Indian Freedom Movement, consider the following events:
1. Constitutional concessions
2. Demand for Fundamental...
Which one of the following policies was used by the British to keep Napoleon at a distance?
Who amongst the following is responsible for the foreign policy of ‘proud reserve’?
Which of the following is/are the factors responsible for the advent of the Europeans to India?
1. Rise of the Ottoman Turks.
2. Fall o...
Which among the following relates to caste movement in India?
1. Ezhava movement.
2. Nadar movement.
3. Mahar Movement.
...The ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ was introduced by which British Governor-General.
Which of the following statements regarding Indian Factory Act, 1891 is/are correct?
1. It increased the minimum and maximum age limit for chi...
The Ghadar Party was founded in which year?
When did the British Government announce the August Offer?