Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) reported the highest ever quarterly profit by any Indian company till date. At Rs 18,348 crore, the standalone net profit for the second quarter of FY22 is 565.3 % higher than its Rs 2,758-crore profit as compared to 2021. It has also crossed TATA Steel profit which was Rs 14,688.02 crore in the year 2017 -18.
Which of the following is the longest river in the world.
The Cape of Good Hope sea route connects Eastern Asia and Europe to the southern regions of which continent?
Which region of Earth's atmosphere is the coldest?
The waves generated by an earthquake are called ________.
On December 22, which location experiences the longest day and shortest night?
The Karewas of Kashmir refers to which among the following types of deposits?
Consider the following regions of India:
1. Western Ghats
2. Aravali Hills
3. Eastern Himalayas
Which of the above...
Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
What geographical term describes a large sea inlet that is usually concave?
Which of the following countries border does not touch China?